MOS BURGER is a hamburger chain
born and raised in Japan.
MOS BURGER is a hamburger chain
born and raised in Japan.


MOS BURGER was born in a small town called Narimasu close to a big city area,
Ikebukuro, Tokyo.

We created many original menus that bring out Japanese food culture using American hamburgers.
Today there are about 1,300 MOS BURGERs in Japan and over 400 located overseas, mainly in Asia.

Our hamburgers feature original sauces with crispy lettuce,
fresh tomatoes, savory patties, all made to order.

Using selected vegetables and other ingredients,
we pursue delicious food and friendly service to make our customers happy.

crispy lettuce crispy lettuce
delicious sauce delicious sauce
Mountain Ocean Sun Mountain Ocean Sun

What Does MOS Stand for?

MOS stands for Mountain, Ocean, and Sun.
It means "standing tall and firm like a Mountain, having a heart that is broad and deep as the Ocean, and having passion like the Sun that never burns out." That is our founder's neverending love for human beings and nature.


We have about 400 MOS BURGERs around Asia and Oceania including Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Korea, and Philippines.

Singapore Waterway Point

Singapore Waterway Point

Our Signature Menu

Check out our recommended menu to find out "Japanese passion for better taste".
Enjoy our hot meal while it's warm, and chilled meal while it's cold.

MOS Burger

¥470 ¥470

Our iconic "MOS Burger" features our special meat sauce with fresh tangy tomatoes and meaty rich flavor of beef and pork, topped with chilled tomato slices.
Since the sauce and vegetables are easy to spill out of the buns, keep your burger in the wrap.

burger and french fries
Let's Try!

Our Staff's Favorite Way

to Eat MOS Burger

This way, you can taste our delicious sauce until the very last drop.

Our Staff's Favorite Way to Eat MOS Burger1 Our Staff's Favorite Way to Eat MOS Burger1

The best way to enjoy the burger hot and fresh without spilling the sauce is to eat the burger without taking it out of the wrapper.

Our Staff's Favorite Way to Eat MOS Burger2 Our Staff's Favorite Way to Eat MOS Burger2

Rotate your burger while eating to dress the sauce in the wrap.

Our Staff's Favorite Way to Eat MOS Burger3 Our Staff's Favorite Way to Eat MOS Burger3

After you finish your burger,
dip your fries in the wrapper with the remaining sauce.

This is our favorite option, but enjoy your burger as you like.

This is our favorite option,
but enjoy your burger as you like.

Our Unique Menus

Click below to check other menus
and allergen info.

* TAX are included in the indicated fees.

* Allergy List available in English.

* These items may not available in some restaurants.

How to order

How to Order step1


Order items from the menu placed in the restaurant or on the counter.

* Multi-language menu may not be avaiable in some restaurants.

symbol step1 symbol step1
How to Order step2


All menus are available for dine-in or take-out. We accept cash, credit cards, and electronic money, including prepaid transportation cards.

*Paywave/ QR code payment is not available.

*Electronic payment may not available in some restaurants.

symbol step2 symbol step2
How to Order step3


You will get a number. Please wait for a little while, we only cook food after receiving your order.

symbol step3 symbol step3
How to Order step4


When your meal is ready, we will check the number and hand it to you.

Please Taste Our Freshly Cooked Food

Please enjoy your hot meal while it's warm, and chilled item while it's cold.

MOS BURGER's Services

If you're looking for Internet connection service...

If you look for Internet connection service If you look for Internet connection service
icon2 Internet connection service icon2 Internet connection service

Free「d Wi-Fi」is provided by NTT DOCOMO.
To use it, you need to join the d POINT CLUB, issue a d Account, and register for the d POINT CARD.

For more details, please visit the d POINT CLUB website.

If you're worried about payment...

If you worry about payment If you worry about payment
icon3 payment icon3 payment

We accept not only cash, but credit cards and electronic money. Paywave/ QR code payment is not available.

credit cards and electronic money credit cards and electronic money

* These payment methods may not available to some restaurant.
* "Kitaca" is the registered trademark of Hokkaido Railway Company.
* "Suica" is the registered trademark of East Japan Railway Company.
* "PASMO" is the registered trademark of Pasmo Co., ltd.
* "TOICA" is the registered trademarkof Central Japan Railway Company.
* "manaca" is the registered trademark of Nagoya Transportation Development Organization Co. Ltd. and MIC.
* "ICOCA" is the registered trademark of West Japan Railway Company.
* "SUGOCA" is theregistered trademark of Kyushu Railway Company.
* "nimoca" is the registered trademark of Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co., Ltd.
* "Hayakaken" is the registered trademark of Fukuoka City Transportation Bureau.
* "Rakuten Edy" is the prepaid electronic money service of Rakuten group.
* The logo of "iD" is the registered trademark of NTT DOCOMO, INC.

If you're looking for a battery charging station...

If you worry about your battery If you worry about your battery
icon4 battery icon4 battery

We have 100V outlets for type A plugs.
Please be careful when using, these outlets.
Check the equipment icons on each restaurant's
webpage to find out the restaurants providing them.

equipment icons1 battery equipment icons1 battery
Please access the store-specific page on the MOS BURGER website and check the facility icons.
Press “Find Nearest Store” on this page and you will be taken to Google Maps. Please search for your desired store.
Select the appropriate store, and you will be able to access the store-specific page of the MOS BURGER website by pressing the ‘’ Globe Icon.
*The MOS BURGER website is only available in Japanese.